Frequently Asked Questions


Employee FAQs

Payroll Questions

Each contractual assignment is unique to the talent selected. Therefore, to know if your contract assignment included holiday pay, contact ARA HR team at and place in the subject line, HR Inquiry.

Please follow the link, Login & Support | ADP Portal | ADP Self Service Portal , for instructions on how to register. If you are still having trouble registering, please contact ARA HR team at and place in the subject line, HR Inquiry.

Each contractual assignment is unique to the talent selected. Therefore, to learn the pay schedule of your contract assignment, please contact ARA HR team at and place in the subject line, HR Inquiry.

If you are having issues with your pay, please direct all inquiries to ARA HR team at and place in the subject line, HR Inquiry.

General Questions

If you must miss work or will be late for any reason, please immediately notify your ARA Chief Recruiter and your on-site supervisor as soon as possible to ensure that your absence will not be marked as a no-call no-show. Failure to notify both parties, excessive absenteeism, and/or tardiness can result in disciplinary action- including limited future placement opportunities or even release from the assignment.


To obtain verification of employment, please contact ARA HR team at and place in the subject line, HR Inquiry.

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